
Clean bright self-contained serviced apartments, fully furnished and equipped with all the trimmings of continental European homes
1物業地產 / 服務式住宅151 and 163 Furnished Apartments in Hong Kong

Yammie Kong (6340 7170) 已考獲演奏 文憑 ATCL ,師承香港演藝學院教授范丁 , 曾於各大中型琴行及小學全職任教 , 有7年 經驗 , 定期舉辦學生音樂會,積極推動 新界西弦樂學生表演。現正招收天水圍, 元朗及屯門區的私人學生。 學生成績: 8級 distinction 及 5級考試 distinction 3級音樂節第一名 及 5級音樂節第三名 學歷高的導師不難找,
Y商業 / 教學進修Yammie Kong

Deans Live Music: Professional Event Music Planner - Jazzy Romantic Classics To Joyful Party Music Expert; Tailor-Made Banquet Music Rundown


Our aim is to give all the cases we take on our closest personal attention, and deal with them thoroughly, expeditiously and as cost-effectively as possible for you.

Causeway Bay, Hong Kong in 1996, carrying baby and children products including furniture, bed and bath goods, baby wear and accessories, toys and gifts.

場地整潔交通方便經濟,荔枝角港鐵站C 出口香港工業中心對面3分鐘到達,地點方便 - 設有瑜伽墊、瑜伽磚、瑜伽帶、藍牙喇叭、可容納8至10人 ,場地設備;直立二十尺大鏡、場地四正

國興裝修將承接大小裝修工程 無論住宅、辨公室、工商業大廈、分間出租等等,不論大小,均全力以赴,承諾優質服務。 裝修師傅們亦遍佈全香港,九龍,新界,大眾價錢,團隊質素 ,請即致電 免費查詢熱線: 91235152 / 60634054 (3線) 辦公時間 9:00a.m - 9:00p.m

Hong Kong industrial design solutions specialist
j商業 / 商業優惠jebcustomprojects

面部彩繪生日會 [彩繪派對、party姐姐面部彩繪帶生日會] Kids Birthday Party & Face Painting HK (Temporary Body Paint + face drawing Hong Kong)

鋼琴老師 | 伴奏導師 | 演奏 Piano Teacher | Accompanist | Performance 古典鋼琴 Classical piano 樂理 Theory of Music 視譜訓練 Sight-Reading 樂器伴奏,參加音樂考試,比賽及表演 Accompanist for Music Exams, Competitions and Festivals
M音樂 / 教學進修Miss Chang

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